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Tip of the Month: Community Guidelines

Imagine an intervention that will help parents more effectively, and with less parent-child conflict, set rules and limits to prevent social media addiction and protect against social media-related dangers (cyberbullying, harassment, trafficking, etc.)  In every one of our parent workshops, at least one parent will share their experience of trying to limit their teen’s social media use.  Undoubtedly, when the parent imposes some guidelines or…

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Tip of the Month: Community Guidelines

From the Director: May 2019

Welcome to the Organization for Social Media Safety’s May newsletter.  Thank you for taking the time out of your day to learn the latest tips, news, and best practices to keep you and your family safe on social media. Our mission is to make social media safe for everyone.  That includes not only protecting your…

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From the Director: May 2019

Student Perspective: Understanding the Dangers of Social Media

In an effort to best understand how young adults are using social media, the Organization for Social Media Safety maintains a Student Advisory Council composed of high school and college students from across the country.  Each month one of our Student Advisors contributes an article with his or her perspective on social media safety. Social…

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Student Perspective: Understanding the Dangers of Social Media

How to Fight Social Media Addiction: Family Phone Time Challenge

Too Much Screen Time Effective strategies for limiting teens’ screen times is one of the top requests we receive from parents, because, as everyone knows, teens are using their smartphones, mostly for social media, a lot.  A U.S. survey from 2018 showed that 70% of teens check social media several times a day, up from…

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How to Fight Social Media Addiction: Family Phone Time Challenge

Student Perspective: Influencer Advertising

In an effort to best understand how young adults are using social media, the Organization for Social Media Safety maintains a Student Advisory Council composed of high school and college students from across the country.  Each month one of our Student Advisors contributes an article with his or her perspective on social media safety. With…

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Student Perspective: Influencer Advertising

Sites Not Suitable for Teens

Each month we alert you to a site that you need to be aware of to protect your teen social media users.  This month we are warning you about: Channel45News. This month we are focusing on prank social media “news sites”.  These sites allow anyone to create a fake news post, meant to look like it originates from…

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Sites Not Suitable for Teens